

Lippo Malls Privileges

Silakan untuk mengunduh aplikasi ini, dan akan mendapatkan akses ke seluruh informasi dari LIPPO Malls di Indonesia

Lippo Malls Privileges

Silakan untuk mengunduh aplikasi ini, dan akan mendapatkan akses ke seluruh informasi dari LIPPO Malls di Indonesia. Tidak akan ada pemungutan biaya apapun dalam aplikasi ini, sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir dalam penggunaan aplikasi ini. Silakan diberitahukan kepada teman teman saudara anda mengenai aplikasi yang istimewa ini. Selain itu, anda juga dapat login sebagai seorang Member dan mendapatkan layanan yang luar biasa dari aplikasi ini.All you have to do is download the app, and you can freely get access of full informations in all LIPPO Malls in Indonesia. There is no payment in downloading this app. So feel free to get the app and share to all your friends. Here you can also login as Member and get an Extraordinary services from all Malls.Please feel free to download the application, and will have access to all information of Lippo Malls in Indonesia. There will be no voting at any cost in this application, so you do not have to worry about the use of this application. Please be notified to friends of your brothers on this special application. In addition, you can also log in as a Member and receive the exceptional service of this application.All you have to do is download the app, and you can freely get full access of all informations in Lippo Malls in Indonesia. There is no payment in downloading this app. So feel free to get the app and share to all your friends. Here you can also login as an Extraordinary Member and get services from all Malls.