

Learn French from scratch full

What this app does:-It teaches you grammar and vocabulary in a natural way, in sentences

Learn French from scratch full

What this app does:-It teaches you grammar and vocabulary in a natural way, in sentences.-It serves as a memory tool to make vocabulary and grammar an automatic response of your brain.-It will take away the worry of 'what to learn next'. Just read the next exercise, understand the bit of grammar explained, learn the new word.-The app is designed to be used as a training tool. The most important part is not learning new words or grammar (this is what manuals do), but consolidating the ones you already learned.How to use:You should try to practice at least 30 min every day, but not more than 1h. It does not have to be continuous time.Let us suppose you have read and listened to the sentences up to 15. You will want to repeat these sentences before moving on. Go to sentence 1, by using the top bar. Start audio mode (it will ask you for the pause between sentences, in seconds). Listen to the english sentences and try to translate them to german. If you are not satisfied, repeat the process. Only move to new sentences when you are comfortable with your response up to that point.If you don't want the sentences to come in order, just use the random icon to set limits from which the sentences to be repeated will be chosen randomly (in our case lower limit 1, higher limit 15)Try to keep a low ratio between new information and number of repeats. For example if you advance 5 sentences, make sure that you repeat at least 3 times that many.Frequency of use: try to practice as often as possible but do not try to move too fast forward. This is very important. If you can't effortlessly translate the sentences up to the point where you are, you MUST repeat. If you finish the course (almost 3000 sentences, so realistically it will take you at least 16 months at a rate of 5 new sentences every day), if you did it without rushing it, you will know at least 2000 words, which is over 95 percent of the vocabulary used every day. From there on, you are on your own, but you will have gained a solid base for improving later.Learning languages is considered by many people a difficult process, and those who do it easily are considered 'gifted'. While it is true that certain people are better at learning languages, it is not because they have a mysterious gift, but rather because they know what and when to learn. They can find the most efficient way to advance with the least effort. The problem with learning languages is not that there is not enough information but rather that there is too much of it. Unfortunately in most cases, in most manuals, this information is presented in a very unnatural way. Unnatural for the brain, which is not used to learning a language by looking at tables, but rather by repeating patterns, by speaking sentences. The ability is there, in any human, to learn a new language, but in most cases it is not used efficiently.That is what this app tries to do. There will be no dry rules or table of conjugations. Rather every bit of grammar or vocabulary will be embedded in sentences, very simple sentences at first but then adding more and more complexity. The final aim of this application is to build enough structure (both grammar and essential vocabulary) that you can at some point continue this journey alone, adding knowledge to a very solid base.To learn French you first need to understand that the complications lie mainly in how you write, not how you speak. For example, in the present tense, verbs have no endings pronounced for most of the persons, whereas in writing, each person has its distinct ending. Because of the recorded sentences you will be able to appreciate this difference and realize that it is easy to learn French if you don't let yourself be intimidated by how complicated it appears in writing.