Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies Following topics are covered in this App1
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies Following topics are covered in this App1. NATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES • Definition, Scope and Importance of environmental studies• Importance of studies irrespective of course• Need for creating public awareness about environmental issues.2. NATURAL RESOURCES AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS • Renewable and Non-renewable Resources• Forest Resources• Water Resources• Mineral Resources• Food Resources3. ECOSYSTEM • Concept of Ecosystem• Structure and functions of ecosystem• Energy flow in ecosystem• Major Ecosystems in the world4. BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CONSERVATION • Definition of Biodiversity• Levels of Biodiversity• Value of Biodiversity• Threats to Biodiversity• Conservation of Biodiversity5. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION • Definition• Air pollution: Definition, Classification, Sources, Effects, Prevention• Water pollution: Definition, Classification, Sources, Effects, Prevention• Soil pollution: Definition, Sources, Effects, Prevention• Noise pollution: Definition, Sources, Effects, Prevention6. SOCIAL ISSUES AND ENVIRONMENT • Concept of development, sustainable development• Water conservation, Watershed management, Rain water harvesting: Definition, Methods and Benefits• Climate change, Global warming, Acid rain, Ozone Layer Depletion, Nuclear Accidents and holocaust: Basic concepts and their effect on climate.• Concept of Carbon Credits and its advantages7. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION • Environmental Protection Act• Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act• Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act• Wildlife Protection Act• Forest Conservation Act• Human Health and Human Rights