Computational Mathematics
Computational mathematics may refer to two different aspect of the relation between computing and mathematics
Computational Mathematics
Computational mathematics may refer to two different aspect of the relation between computing and mathematics. Computational applied mathematics consists roughly of using mathematics for allowing and improving computer computation in applied mathematics. Computational mathematics may also refer to the use of computers for mathematics itself. This includes the use of computers for mathematical computations (computer algebra), the study of what can (and cannot) be computerized in mathematics (effective methods), which computations may be done with present technology (complexity theory), and which proofs can be done on computers (proof assistants).Support Languagear-SA = العربيةde-DE = Deutschen-US = Englishes-ES = Españolfa-IR = فارْسِىfr-FR = françaisit-IT = italianoja-JP = 日本語ko-KR = 한국어pl-PL = polskipt-PT = Portuguêsru-RU = Русскийsv-SE = Svenskauk-UA = українськаzh-CN = 中文