

SoundHeal - Healing Frequencies For Mind & Body

This small app is a tool to generate pure tone solfeggio frequencies

SoundHeal - Healing Frequencies For Mind & Body

This small app is a tool to generate pure tone solfeggio frequencies.Below are the benefits of listening to these frequencies -174 Hz - REDUCE PAIN285 Hz - INFLUENCE ENERGY FIELDS396 Hz - REMOVE GUILT & FEAR417 Hz -FACILITATES CHANGE432 Hz -NATURAL UNIVERSAL FREQUENCY528 Hz -DNA REGENERATE639 Hz -SPIRITUAL CONNECTION741 Hz -EXPRESSION & SOLUTION852 Hz -SPIRITUAL ORDER963 Hz -AWAKEN & PERFECT STATE174Hertz - It is used to heal from emotional and physical pain.285Hertz - It is used for making tissues return to their original form.If you have cuts or wounds, try out his frequency for healing.396 Hertz - One of the hurdles for one to become self-realized is guilt and fear. The frequency eliminates those feelings. It can be used for root chakra meditation. According to Hindu Tantrism, Muladhara or the root chakra is one of the seven primary chakras.417 Hertz -  According to Hindu Tantrism, The sacral chakra is the second primary chakra This frequency can be used to balancing it. This frequency is helpful for wiping out negativity in its surroundings.432 Hertz -The frequency produced when Om mantra is chanted is  of the vibrations of 432Hz which is also the vibrational frequency of everything in the universeIt is the natural frequency at which universe vibrates. It can be used as a source of cosmic healing. 528 Hertz -This frequency is believed to be a miracle tone. In Vedic tradition, Solar Plexus Chakra or Maṇipūra is the third primary chakra.Therefore this frequency is believed to be a healing effect on DNA and its repair. It also boosts self-confidence.639 Hertz -The heart is often depicted as a symbol of love and relationships.This frequency balances heart chakra .which in turn, is useful for dealing problems in love and relationships.741 Hertz -The fifth primary chakra is Vishuddha ("especially pure") or throat chakra.This frequency can be used for balancing this chakra, to cleanse cells and detoxification of the body and to be more connected and spiritual life. 852 Hertz- The is the sixth primary chakra is Ajna -guru chakra or third-eye chakraThe third eye chakra is said to connect people to their intuition, give them the ability to communicate with the world or help them receive messages from the past and the futureThe frequency helps balances the third eye chakra which in turns awaken your intuition.963 Hertz - Sahasrara ( "thousand-petaled") or crown chakra is generally considered the seventh primary chakra, according to most tantric yoga traditions.This brings the system to its original state. When a yogi is able to raise his/her kundalini, the energy of consciousness, up to this chakra the state of Nirvikalpa Samādhi is experienced.