
GMF - Green Mountain Frog Software

Army Survival Handbook – Offline Manual Guide App

Army Survival Handbook is a free offline manual military guide app for anyone looking for survival manual to use for getting away from it all when dooms day comes or just looking to up your outdoor sk

Army Survival Handbook – Offline Manual Guide App

Army Survival Handbook is a free offline manual military guide app for anyone looking for survival manual to use for getting away from it all when dooms day comes or just looking to up your outdoor skills when out camping and backpacking or hunting. Completely experience an amazing camping or backpacking trip with one simple free survival manual handbook!BASED ON ARMY SURVIVAL MANUALThe app is based off the Army Survival Manual and is extremely helpful for camping and backpacking and more. Available in offline, this army guide can really make instant change in how you experience your outdoor adventures. Available in PDF too!WHAT IS INCLUDED:As one of the most complete military survival books, in this manual guide you will find relevant info, how to’s and detailed guides organized smartly. Chapter 1: Introduction- Survival Actions- Pattern for SurvivalChapter 2: PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL- A Look at Stress- Natural Reactions- Preparing YourselfChapter 3: SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS- Importance of Planning- Survival KitsChapter 4: BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE- Requirements for Maintenance of Health- Medical Emergencies- Lifesaving Steps- Bone and Joint Injury- Bites and Stings- Wounds- Environmental Injuries- Herbal MedicinesChapter 5: SHELTERS- Primary Shelter—Uniform- Shelter Site Selection- Types of SheltersChapter 6: WATER PROCUREMENT- Water Sources- Still Construction- Water Purification- Water Filtration DevicesChapter 7: FIRECRAFT- Basic Fire Principles- Site Selection and Preparation- Fire Material Selection- How to Build a Fire- How to Light a FireChapter 8: FOOD PROCUREMENT- Animals for Food- Traps and Snares- Killing Devices- Fishing Devices- Cooking and Storage of Fish and GameChapter 9: SURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS- Edibility of Plants- Plants for Medicine- Miscellaneous Uses of PlantsChapter 10: POISONOUS PLANTS- How Plants Poison- All About Plants- Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants- Contact Dermatitis- Ingestion PoisoningChapter 11: DANGEROUS ANIMALS- Insects and Arachnids- Leeches- Bats- Venomous Snakes- Snake-Free Areas- Dangerous Lizards- Dangers in Rivers- Dangers in Bays and Estuaries- Saltwater Dangers- Other Dangerous Sea CreaturesChapter 12: FIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT- Staffs- Clubs- Edged Weapons- Other Expedient Weapons- Cordage and Lashing- Rucksack Construction- Clothing and Insulation- Cooking and Eating UtensilsChapter 13: DESERT SURVIVAL- Terrain- Environmental Factors- Need for Water- Heat Casualties- Precautions- Desert HazardsChapter 14: TROPICAL SURVIVAL- Tropical Weather- Jungle Types- Travel Through Jungle Areas- Immediate Considerations- Water Procurement- Food- Poisonous PlantsChapter 15: COLD WEATHER SURVIVAL- Cold Regions and Locations- Windchill- Basic Principles of Cold Weather Survival- Hygiene- Medical Aspects- Cold Injuries- Shelters- Fire- Water- Food- Travel- Weather SignsChapter 16: SEA SURVIVAL- The Open Sea- SeashoresChapter 17: EXPEDIENT WATER CROSSINGS- Rivers and Streams- Rapids- Rafts- Flotation Devices- Other Water Obstacles- Vegetation ObstaclesChapter 18: FIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING- Using the Sun and Shadows- Using the Moon- Using the Stars- Making Improvised Compasses- Other Means of Determining DirectionChapter 19: SIGNALING TECHNIQUES-ApplicationChapter 20: Survival Movement In Hostile Areas-Phases of PlanningChapter 21 - CamouflageChapter 22 - Contact With PeopleChapter 23 - Survival in Man-Made HazardsNOTE:Please NOTE for the TRADEMARK COP who has my other app removed from the U.S. this app in NO WAY'S has any trademark violations and is based on your own manuals & they are public domain.