

Navi Radiography Lite

Navi Radiography: Mobile Guide for Radiography with 3D image20K Download Celebration Event: Navi Radiography Pro is on sale!The original price was $24

Navi Radiography Lite

Navi Radiography: Mobile Guide for Radiography with 3D image20K Download Celebration Event: Navi Radiography Pro is on sale!The original price was $24.99, but now it is only $15.99 today!It will be over soon. Don't miss this chance!Naviradiography Free (Navi Rad Free)- 245 Radiography Methods· 45 head and skull tests· 28 vertebral column tests· 53 thoraco-abdominal tests· 55 upper extremities tests· 64 lower extremities tests- Beam's Eye View· 3D image on the X-ray incident direction.· Perfectly matched Skin, Bones, X-ray picture· Adjusting transparency with One-Tap· Identifying the principles about X-ray picture easily and perfectly- Position & X-ray· 3D image reproducing the posture of the patient perfectly· Front view, side view, perspective view, etc· Direction of beam, angles, and various radiographic parameter· X-ray image atlas, anatomical and medical terms- Summary· Various language with medical term· Region, pathology, IR Size, SID, central ray· Respiration, patient position, collimation, kVp, mAs· Image evaluation and tipBest Choice to learn radiographic methods (radiography or radiologic technology) for Radiologic technologist (radiological technologist), radiographer, radiologist, medical doctor, medical school student, health college (health science college) student, employee in hospital (medical institution or health institution), workers in radiology.This application is licensed for personal usage, and businesses, educational institutions, and medical institutions are not permitted usage. The licensed applications for business or institutions, and the finished products for lecture are individually for sale.(inquiry: Upgrade Your X-ray Tech (xray tech)