găsiți și localizați dispozitivul pentru a-mi găsi
Find /locate lost phone, device in map
găsiți și localizați dispozitivul pentru a-mi găsi
Find /locate lost phone, device in map. GPS will work for locating place if current place or location is not known then previous one or last one will be displayed.App GPS phone trackers track /locate missing device lost phone by GPS can track a cell phone easily by phone tracker system made possible by this lost phone idea based app to locate or find my or find device as phone finder will locate due to app for track phone.Where’s my Phone?Lost device /looking to locate /find lost device with aim of find my cell phone / device / mobile then use this app that will help in locating lost device << Ring Silent PhoneThis will make phone ring even in silent mode. Value or command entered in this option will make phone ring even in silent mode by sending message with command entered in app before<< Lock Phone via SNSThis will lock phone SMS (same code that u write in Lock Phone via SMS Area in app). Default values are Lockmyphone & password is 12345By sending command u’ve set before will be locked by PIN Code that u’ve entered in this option for using this in case of lost phone or lost my device time.<< Auto Theft SecurityThis will act when there’s change procedure of sim card from device take place. This will send Message on contacts u’ve selected as trusted contacts. Message contains some text & no of the new sim card entered in phone<< Phone Location GPSThis will show Phone or device presence GPS in area where it is located. This will work by sending Location (Default value) as SMS to your own no if u change that value & saved them then new entered value will be required to send to that phone for getting their location u can save that command in your email as well for remembering or keeping backup of command u’ve enteredDevice Administration Permission AccessBind Device Administration: available in app we get the following that includes• App uninstallation can’t be done by Third Party User• Screen Unlock password can be changed • Password Rules definedu can also reach device administration permission option inside app as well by Lock Phone SMS & Anti-Theft Security options. All options will work when enabled by user. Any change in these options need user to press save button for saving new changesSettings of Lost Phone Appu can set password of Lost Phone themed app by going to Settings Option inside app for protection.Other Features PermissionsRead / Send / Receive SMS along with Location permission & Read contact PermissionBy Android device manager /Device Administration Option Set settings of app that helps u to administer your phone Fin device or find my lost phone or my device by phone locator that is by use of GPS sending co-ordinates where lost device is located. Phone finder for lost phone helps u to find your phone or track my phone or track phone Track a cell phone is now possible + find my friends lost phone is also possible by use of my apps. Where is my Adroid? Wanna find Lost Device /Find my lost mobile device?Find my device Find my phone in case of where Is my phone or android lost recovery is now possible by lost phone find to get android device or my device or my phone back that is assumed lost my phone before.Lost Phone /track my phone device locator need GPS to recover lost android device. Lost or lost my phone can be located by gps locator in missed connections or stolen phone that is about to find lost phone or android device or different android phones free. Phone tracker will find lost device by gps phone or tracker app by cell phone tracker. Instead of find my phone by whistle in case of place and forget where I placed my device or my phone then use Ring Silent Feature of Device for purpose of find device or track a cell phone that is lost phone.For Suggestions write us at: theappsarena.adm@gmail.com