ci - 12th in "focus" (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp, th, ki, ci, sn, lo, ba, ov, sh, fi, do, ru & ti)Touch and drag the circle
ci - 12th in "focus" (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp, th, ki, ci, sn, lo, ba, ov, sh, fi, do, ru & ti)Touch and drag the circle. Smash and absorb circles smaller than you, avoid circles larger. See how big you can get by eating the smaller ones and growing.You can also top the leaderboard and compete for the best score / largest circle. Get stuck into the addiction of ci right now, a fresh addition to your collection of focused General Adaptive apps.Thanks for all your support, I hope you're enjoying the "focus" series thus far.Handmade in Australia,General Adaptive
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