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Start preparing for IAS, UPSC Prep, Civil Services

Are you preparing for UPSC?Are you beginning to prepare for UPSC?But no idea how to start !!!This app gives you exactly 5 steps to start preparing for UPSC IAS

Start preparing for IAS, UPSC Prep, Civil Services

Are you preparing for UPSC?Are you beginning to prepare for UPSC?But no idea how to start !!!This app gives you exactly 5 steps to start preparing for UPSC IAS.1. Check qualification and age.2. Know the UPSC Syllabus.3. Books and Materials.4. Get motivated : Tips and Tricks.5. Ask questions and GET GOING.Whenever you even think of preparing for UPSC IAS, one thing that stucks in your mind is HOW TO START... You try to do R&D but in vain.Facing a lot of problem.However, this app has been made giving you solution for this major problem.It tells you how to start and always be motivated.It gives you all the links and ideas to prepare.HAPPY STUDYING !!!GOOD LUCK!!!