I Feel - Emotional Messaging
I Feel is a messaging app for communicating feelings and starting emotional conversations
I Feel - Emotional Messaging
I Feel is a messaging app for communicating feelings and starting emotional conversations. Words aren't feelings. I Feel might help you communicate when words aren't what you need. Then a real conversation can start. Sometimes you want someone to understand how you feel, not what you think.Remember the frustration of feeling you weren't being heard? Because you didn't have the right words? Words aren't feelings. Feelings come from a different part of your brain. We try to express them in words, but sometimes you just want someone to know that you feel something. Somebody who cares about us.I Feel explores skipping the translation of feelings into words. Expressing ourselves more purely. Starting real conversations with more caring and understanding.I Feel starts with color - you move your finger on a pad until the color feels right. Don't think about what it means. Angry isn't always 'Red' and 'Blue" doesn't always mean that you feel calm or depressed. Move your finger around and stop when it feels right. Maybe light blue. Why is that the right one to express the feeling you have? Let's ask. Hey, can you tell me more about that blue color? It's like the sea or the ocean? Wow, I'm so glad that you told me that. How does the ocean feel right now?Now you have a real conversation going. Not, "What are you upset about?" Or worse yet, "Don't feel that way." But, "I care about you. Tell me more about the ocean and how you feel." You want to tell someone how YOU feel. Bad day at work? Send an I Feel message - the color that feels right. Let someone who cares about you send one back. But don't interpret what they send too quickly. Maybe you send brown, because that's the feeling for your day right now. Maybe they respond with green - that's how they feel about you reaching out to them. They feel green about you letting them know. Or maybe they feel red because you're having a bad day.Colors don't keep going back and forth like text messages. But sometimes, you want to start with a feeling, not words. Sometimes, a single exchange is all you can do right now. If the kids are a handful, all you might have energy for is a quick hint to someone about the day you're having. Send a hint that you're thinking about someone and feel orange about it right now. You'll build an emotional vocabulary, unique to your relationships and the people who share feelings with you.I Feel is for people - adults and children, who feel things - and want someone to know. Send a feeling - one that won't be judged too quickly - and know that somebody sees you. I Feel can be the way to open up conversations that you have only dreamed about.If you would have a better time starting emotional conversations, not intellectual ones, try I Feel. Let people trust you with their feelings. Reach out when you need to let somebody know. Tell somebody and learn to listen.I Feel is analogue-style communication, like body language - a new form of more personal communication in a more distributed world.For more information and user stories, take a look at our website by using the Help link under Settings in the I Feel app.