Chemistry Calculations
This application is intended to be a help with common calculations in the field of chemistry
Chemistry Calculations
This application is intended to be a help with common calculations in the field of chemistry.Now with buyable Pro-upgrade!There are the following features:- pKa-equation for weak acids- pKb-equation for weak bases- Henderson-Hasselbalch-Equation- Nernst-Equation- Thermodynamics (Ideal gas, Boyle, Lussac)- Unit converter for several units- Equation to calculate dilutions- Tools for preparing solutions- Tool to calculate solubility of a compound- Tool to calculate amount of substance from mass percent- Molecule weight calculator- Periodic table with information about every element and links to external sources- Reference tables for physical constants, reduction potentials, solubility products, pKa- and pKb-values and SI-PrefixesUpgrade to Pro-version to support the development and get more reference data!- Use a great variety of units within the tools, without converting them individually! - Choose your preferred unit for temperatures and radii in the periodic table- Atomic, covalent and van-der-Waals radii- Ionization energies- More reduction potentials- More pka- and pKb-values- More solubility productsTablets are fully supported!If you have any questions or suggestions for additional content, please contact me.