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Feed List - News Feeds Aggregator.

Created to help you focus on what's important and save your time, Feed List will change your way to consume social media content. Create your own custom news Feeds and add to them the profiles you want. So now you can see everything they post in one place! 👉 Keep the things organized and in the right place! 😎🎯- You can create many different news feeds, create a Feed for: • Your city. • Your favorite Youtubers. • Your favorite news profiles. • Everything you want! 👉 You can add to the Feeds: • Facebook pages. • Twitter profiles. • Youtube channels. 👉 Make your Feeds private or public! 🔓 🔒 - You're in control! Share your feeds with all the users, or keep it private just for you. 👉 Follow other users and Feeds!🏃‍♂ - Share of your friends your own news feed, they can follow and see exactly the same of you! 👉 Turn on notifications! 🔔- We'll let you know every time some of the profiles in the feed made some new post's.Download now to create your own news feed!


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