中华太极拳五大名拳之一!国家级非物质文化遗产,以中国传统儒、道哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,集颐养性情、强身健体、技击对抗等多种功能为一体,结合易学的阴阳五行之变化,中医经络学,古代的导引术和吐纳术形成的一种内外兼修、柔和、缓慢、轻灵、刚柔相济的汉族传统拳术。太极拳精巧轻灵,婉转含蓄,缜密缠绵,自然雍容,外示处子之秀,内含金刚之坚,不着意于大开大合,奔腾雄壮。鉴于太极拳运动爱好者往往从学习简化太极拳开始,我们向初学者分享太极拳练功前热身运动、太极拳训练的基本技术和要求等方面的常识性学习材料。同时,我们详细介绍太极拳入门功法、对定式动作进行了精当的讲解,图谱、食谱分解演示,易学易懂。One of five famous Chinese Taiji boxing! National intangible cultural heritage, traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism philosophy of tai chi, yin and yang dialectical concept as the core idea, set enj
oying nature, physical fitness, martial arts combat and other functions into one a variation yin and yang internally and externally incorporated to learn, Chinese meridian ancient guided surgery breathing technique and the formation of a soft, slow, ethereal, Han Chinese traditional boxing hardness and softness.Tai Chi Brisk delicate, mildly subtle, lingering careful, natural grace, son of the outside show at the show, containing strong King Kong, not deliberately in large-scale cooperation, Pentium majestic.Given the tai chi enthusiasts often start learning simplified tai chi, we share common-sense learning material aspects of the warm-up exercises before practice tai chi, tai chi training and basic technical requirements to beginners.At the same time, we detail introductory tai chi exercises, on-set action was precise and appropriate explanations, maps, recipes decomposition demo, easy to understand.
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