MLA Citation Generator helps create in-text citations and references for Modern Language Association (MLA) format 8th edition essays.FEATURES* Easily copy results to clipboard.* Print out references and in-text citations. (Requires Android Kitkat 4.4 or higher)* Save references and in-text citations via PDF files. (Requires Android Kitkat 4.4 or higher)* Download MLA Format Template.* Includes 14 in-text citations and reference generators. Supports Artwork, Books, Blog, Encyclopedia, Facebook, G
oogle+, Government, Journal, Lecture, Magazines, Newspapers, Website, Twitter, and YouTube sources.* Share in-text citations and references.* Automatically saves generated results in local database for later retrieval.* Supports copy/paste functionality.HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT ME?MLA Citation Generator benefits students of all ages with experience or not. The facts are MLA format citations and references are structured in such ways that makes it hard to memorize for each and every different type of media. MLA Citation Generator creates the references and citations for you while you just focus on writing your essay.If your not sure how to setup a word document that is compliance for MLA format. Simply download our template word document where you simply fill in the blanks and are ready to start writing your essay on the spot.
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