Glance for Pebble - over 50,000 daily users!Voted top Android app in the Pebble App Challenge (#2 overall) - Glance for Pebble Time and original Pebble includes:- Several "watchfaces" with weather and data - Customise face colours (Pebble Time)- Send pre configured SMS messages- Tasker integration - Calendar data ,Unread SMS, Gmail, Missed Calls- Read recent SMS- Simple Stocks- Push Stocks and UKTrains to timelineIn App Premium purchase includes:- Watchface Editor for much m
ore customisation- Glance Analog face- TextWatch face+ Several more faces!Permissions:android.permission.INTERNETandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEUsed to check state of network and make calls for Weather updatesandroid.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONUsed to get current location for weather updatesandroid.permission.READ_SMSandroid.permission.SEND_SMSandroid.permission.WRITE_SMSandroid.permission.RECEIVE_SMSUsed to read and send SMS (including writing to the system outbox) android.permission.READ_CONTACTSUsed to convert SMS phone numbers to names from contactsandroid.persmission.READ_CALENDARUsed to read the calendarandroid.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETEDUsed to start the service on Messages Count
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