Radio Links Formulas collects the most important formulas about electromagnetic waves and radio links. The app make it easy to study complex questions about math and physics. The formulas are divided into 49 different topics. Each topic is provided with graphical representation, formulas and notes.You can find the topic you want using a handy search bar.Topics:- Speed of light in space- Wavelenght of electromagnetic radiation- Characteristic impedance of space- Power density of an electromagneti
c wave Poynting vector- Power isotropic antenna- Gain Antenna- Antenna gain in dB- Gain parabolic antenna- Diameter in parabolic antenna- Effective are of an antennaw- Power Pr captured by a receiving antenna Gain Gr- EIRP.Effective Isotropic Radiated Power- RMS of the electric field produced by antenna in the direction of maximum radiation at a distance r- Free space attenuation.FSPL(Free Space Path Loss)- Powerlevel in dBm- Power level in dBW- Voltage level dBµV- Availability of a link- Fading margin- Thermal noise power input tot a receiver apparatus- Power spectral density of noise- Spectral density of noise power in dBm at a temperature Tg- Thermal noise power output to a receiver- Noise power inside the receiver- Thermal noise power outuput to a receiver at a temperature Tg- Temperature of the system- Receiver noise figure- Friis formula for noise factor- Frii formula for noise temperature- Equivalent input noise power to the receiver operating temperature Tg- Signal/Noise Ratio(SNR)out to a receiver apparatus- Fundamental equation of the transmission- Shannon formula for transmissions- Nyquist formula for digital transmissions- Vs:symbol rate or symbols/second- Numer of bits in digital transmissions multilevel- B:bandwidth of the channel [Hz]- Probability of error in digital systems BER- Signal/Noise ration in reception in digital transmission systems- Information density or spectrale efficiency- Shannon formula for digital transmission- Information density- Energy efficiency- Shannon limit.It is assumed that R=C- Ultimate Shannon Limit- Probability of error for a transmission modulation M-QAM
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