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LunaLife App


Setting Intentions is becoming clear about the life experience you want to create.Regular reflexion about different aspects of your life can help you focus and further develop yourself.LunaLife helps you in the process and presents you with an ancient technique to achieve the best results possible.TIME TO WISHOnce a month, shortly before the new moon LunaLife will remind you that this is the best time to wish, dream and set intentions to achieve your goals.TOPICSYou will work with different topics every month depending on the astrological sign where the new month is happening. Going through the 12 signs you will cover all aspects of your life along the year.SETTING INTENTIONSWe will support you setting intentions with topics, questions and examples.PICTURESYou can upload images for each intention to strength the motivation, understanding and be more clear about the path you need to take to make your dreams come true.REMAINDERSReminders help you to review your intentions and to stay motivated and committed with your dreams.PRIVACYYour dreams belong to you! LunaLife works as a diary book: your text and pictures will be saved on your mobile.

Warthestraße 25A, Berlin, Germany
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