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Currency Converter


Currency Converter(Flag Version)● Currency Converter USD,EUR,AUD,BGN,BRL, CAD,CHF,CNY,CZK,DKK, EEK,GBP,HKD,HRK,HUF, IDR,INR,JPY,KRW,LTL, LVL,MXN,MYR,NOK,NZD, PHP,PLN,RON,RUB,SEK, SGD,THB,TRY,ZAR- Real-time update rate● Currency Chart Provides the base currency and exchange rates charts. (1 day, 5 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years)● Currency ListCurrency List● Settings - Currency Converter Overview Currency Converter provides introductions and a brief guide - Currency Converter settings set the status bar set the background theme Options Services shortcut links - Frequently used part of the instrument settings volume control the screen brightness wireless network set my location (network, GPS) Bluetooth Settings language set the date and time

80 Churerstrasse, Freienbach, Switzerland
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