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Southeast Asia VISA Calculator


Traveling or backpacking Southeast Asia? Are you a solo-traveler, independent traveler backpacker, digital nomad in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam or any of the ASEAN nations?Well, be aware, each nation in South-East Asia, requires backpackers and travelers alike to carry their passport (of course!) and to have or be able to acquire a Visa in order to enter the country and stay for a number of days, weeks, months. South-East Asia VISA Calculator for backpackers, helps your travel by easing the border experiences in Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and Myanmar, and here is how.- WHAT IS ASEAN -First of all, in case you might not know, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a regional intergovernmental organization formed in 1967 comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand to which have been recently added Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.- THE MUST HAVE TRAVELING COMPANION -Each ASEAN nation has it's own Visa requirements, allowed length of stay and immigration regulations. Whether you are visiting any of the ASEAN countries on holiday, backpacking, for business or other, you will find Southeast Asia VISA Calculator an excellent travel companion that will help you to learn about the countries as well as to calculate the maximum length of stay for each country; an extremely important factor to take in consideration while planning your trip to Southeast Asia.- BEHIND THE APP -Southeast Asia VISA Calculator concept, design and development comes from a long term Southeast Asia backpacker, traveler as well as mobile App developer. Visa regulations are in constant change in developing countries and governments seem to be less stable than in the old continent. Thailand only, has experienced 4 military cues over the past 10 years, just to give you some prospective. I live in the countries, I travel constantly so I can provide, with your help, the most up to date and reliable Visa information for travelers and backpackers alike.- CONCLUSION -Most travellers and backpackers in Southeast Asia, do not visit a single country during their stay, but tent to move from country to country and need to plan their trip well in advance in order to not overstay their visa and incur in sanctions. Backpackers to Thailand know how difficult is not to overstay! While hopping from border to border, Southeast Asia VISA Calculator will provide travelers the information and facility in order to prevent pitfalls and avoid unpleasant surprises. Having said that, most countries provide well detailed information on how to apply for a Visa; Southeast Asia VISA Calculator task is to help you with the organizational aspect.- FEEDBACK -It is my objective to provide backpackers and travelers with the most up to date and reliable Visa information. Do not refrain from sending some feedback via the App, I will preemptively update the App info and release an update. Also, if you would think some functionality is not working properly, needs refining or is missing, get in touch, I will be happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of the above and to try the App. I wish you happy travels, hopefully we'll meet somewhere, sometimes ...

3 Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, Bussero, Italy
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