Requirements There is only One Content Creator. Once you become a C.Creator, you have to continuously promote its[id] URL on your channels.
Permanent! Business-C.Creator relationship is permanent and can not be changed.



ATTENTION: THE GAME AVAILABLE IN EARLY ACCESS, IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT. Possible occasional errors and crushes, the purchase of the game is a form of support for the creators so that they can refine the content according to the suggestions of the players. Possible occasional gaps or errors in the graphics and text layer. Egony is a strategy game embedded in cyberpunk reality. The player performs missions on which he must get the opponent's ground. During the game (in real time) you will recruit the army and send them to the fight (turn-based). The Hegos you can create for experience points support you in battle. THESE UNITS YOU CAN RENT FROM OTHER PLAYERS (In near future) for experience points, or rent them yours. The game currently has only single-player mode. In the future, we would like to create the possibility of playing duels between players. In each update we will try to provide additional content.

ul. Armii Krajowej / ul. Jutrzenki, Lublin
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