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Currency Converter أسعار العملات


For every Arab interested in currencies and their prices, now you can know the price and conversion of any currency at any time easily and quickly from the main interface of the application with details of the conversion process and the detailed price between the two currenciesYou can navigate between the properties of the application and go to the currency conversion screen, the gold price screen and the silver price screen. The additional properties screen for buying or retrieving your purchasesYou can see the price of gold real time in all currencies available in ounce, gold, gold and grams with different caliber such as 24 caliber, 22 caliber, 21 caliber and 18 caliber. You can also watch the gold performance against the selected currencyYou can find out the price of world silver in all currencies available in ounces, kilograms, pure silver grams, British, Australian, silver coins and jewelryYou can purchase the Remove Ads feature to remove ads from the app entirely for a small feeWe hope you will email us with any suggestions or opinions via the contact us feature through the application.

Fesal_shingaly, Iraq
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