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Chakra System : Energy Healing


OM-Chanting is an ancient healing technique used by the ancient Rishis and which was returned to the world from the Himalayas to help restore balance in people, in humanity and on the planet.At the individual level, the technique can balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Emotions are released and inner peace, happiness and love arise. This leads to a more joyful life, supports our health and helps practice meditation.Everything in the universe is pulsating and vibrating – nothing is really standing still! The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature.As such AUM is the basic sound of the universe; so by chanting it we are symbolically and physically tuning in to that sound and acknowledging our connection to all other living beings, nature and the universe.In addition the vibrations and rhythmic pronunciation also have a physical affect on the body by slowing down the nervous system and calming the mind similar to meditation. When the mind is relaxed, your blood pressure decreases and ultimately the health of your heart improves.Finally it is also a way to delineate the time of our practice from the rest of our day and signify that this is a special time in which to care for ourselves and practice being mindful.This application consists of 7 OM mantras performed by Tibetan monks.Each OM singing mantra corresponds to one Chakra in your body :Natural A - Root chakra , Muladhara , red Color.Natural B - Sacral chakra , Swadhisthana , Orange color.Natural C - Solar Plexus chakra , Manipura , Yellow color.Natural D - Heart chakra , Anahata , Green color.Natural E - Throat chakra , Vishuddha , Blue color.Natural F - Third Eye chakra , Indigo color.Natural G - Crown chakra , Sahasrara , Violet color.Alpha and Beta Binaural beats for deeper meditation and concentration

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