With the Quick Unit Converter Calculator you will be able to convert all types of units from Metric to Imperial systems & Vice-versa in seconds. Finding the area, speed, distance, temperature, volume, time, weight, energy, power and more converted into different units.These are some conversions you can easily do with our ⭐️ Simple Unit Converter Calculator ⭐️🔹 Area: Yards, Acres, Hectares & Square: Meters, Miles, Inches & Feet.🔹 Distance / Length: Meters, Miles, Inches, Feet, Yards, Nautical M
iles.🔹 Speed / Velocity: Kilometers / Miles per hour, Feet per second, Knots, Speed of sound, Speed of light.🔹 Temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin.🔹 Time: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Weeks, Months, Years.🔹 Volume: Litters, Cubic Meters, Cubic Inches, Cubic Feet, Gallons, Quarts, Pints, Cups, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Fluid ounces.🔹 Weight / Mass: Grams, Kilograms, Milligrams, Pounds, Ounces, Tons, Stones.🔹 Energy / Power / Torque: Watts, Joules, Calories, ElectronVolt, BTU, Therms, Foot-Pond.Plus an advanced view which makes available Scientific prefixes like Exa, Peta, Tera, Giga, Mega, Kilo, Deci, Centi, Milli, Micro, Nano, Pico, etc. Allowing you to make more scientific calculations.⭐️ Main Features ⭐️🔹 The app is Multi-language, so you will get the correct unit name based on your language, either using the option or manually changing it. 🔹 Our library of available units to convert has the best selection, preventing the display of units that no one ever uses and displaying only the most used ones.🔹 Make every calculation and combination between units possible, including scientific notation and time-based units.🔹 History of your latest conversions so you can view them instantly without needing to recalculate every time.🔹 No internet connection is needed to use this app.Download Now! Quick Unit Converter Calculator for FREE!
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