LABORATORY TEST REFERENCE FREE & OFFLINE ONCE INSTALLED ALL INFORMATIONS CAN BE VIEWED OFFLINEThis app is designed to provide general informations on the commonly using (BLOOD AND OTHER BODY FLUIDS) test in the laboratory. It includes the normal ranges of various test. It includes most of the aspects of the laboratory. Hematology, Biochemistry, Hormones,Enzymes, Iron Profile, Urinalysis, Fecal Tests, Body fluid Test, Microbiology test and other various tests. This is useful for the students as w
ell as the laboratory technician who works in the laboratory. This should not be used as an aid for the diagnostic purpose. The reference range of a given tests varies among the region and the lab should establish their own reference range using data from their own equipments and methods. Hope this provides the comprehensive informations on the test usually performed in the laboratory. This is the first step. Hope to get your response.
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