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Geometria Molecular(Ligações Covalentes - Química)

Primeira Versão em Desenvolvimento do meu Aplicativo Educacional voltado para o ensino aprendizado de Geometria Molecular de Ligações Covalentes em Química. Desenvolvido por Élisson M. F. M. Araújo (UENF/CAPES) sob orientação de Angelus G.P. da Silva (UENF).Qualquer sugestão entre em contato comigo através do email, qualquer feedback será bem vindo.First Version in Development of my Educational Application focused on teaching Molecular Geometry of Covalent Bonds in Chemistry.Developed by Élisson M. F. Araújo (UENF / CAPES) under the guidance of Angelus G.P. da Silva (UENF).Any suggestions please contact me via email at, any feedback will be welcome.

Askr for Curious Cat

Askr for Curious Cat is an app for browsing the social network Curious Cat on your Android device. It features feed, profile, discover, inbox, notifications and much more. It is the best way to navigate Curious Cat on smartphones.Askr for Curious Cat features:• Designed following Material design guidelines• Make questions to your friends• Answer questions your friends made• Follow and unfollow users• Share your answers online• See a feed of everybody you following• Notifications from the network• Discover users and postsAskr for Curious Cat is an unofficial app. This app is not in any way affiliated to Curious Cat and/or its owners.


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