Assalamualaikum wa rohmatullohi wa barokatuh, Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Jiwaku ada dalam genggaman-Nya.Namaku Ava. Umurku 20 tahun. Aku anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara. Kakakku Avan lahir 5 menit lebih awal daripada aku. Kami saudara kembar. Avan terlahir sebagai seorang laki-laki, sementara aku terlahir sebagai seorang wanita.Keluargaku berlatar belakang agamis. Abah adalah seorang Kyai pemilik pondok pesantren salaf di daerah tepi kota Pasuruan. Sementara ibuku mendampingi Abah mengasuh ra
tusan santri putri, bersama kakakku kak Zara. Agar abah bisa lebih fokus mengasuh ratusan santri putra bersama ustad yang dulunya juga murid Abah saat awal-awal pesantren ini berdiri.Dalam keluarga kami, mondok sudah menjadi tradisi. Avan, saudara kembarku sudah memulai pendidikan Ibtida' di pesantren Abah sejak usia 4 tahun. Begitu pula denganku. Bedanya aku dipondokkan di pesantren lain, yaitu di sebuah pesantren Salaf di daerah Kasembon, Malang. Hal ini tentunya memiliki alasan kuat kenapa aku dilepas di umur yang masih 4 tahun. Alasannya adalah karena aku dan Avan adalah saudara kembar laki-perempuan. Sesuai tradisi Jawa, maka sebaiknya kami dipisah.Original Story BY: Ava Mauza Segala kontribusi, HAK CIPTA maupun isi yang terkandung didalamnya merupakan MILIK SANG PENULIS DIATAS, kami team Grewal17 hanya mempublish ulang tanpa mengubah isi sedikitpun dengan tujuan kemudahan anda dalam membaca isi novel di HH smartphone, jika ada pihak lain yang merasa memiliki kontribusi karya ini silakan email kami, akan kami revisi kepemilikan karya ini.Catatan: Aktifkan data selular atau terhubung ke wifi untuk memuat gambar dan emoticon bergerakKlik suka pada fanspage kami untuk mengetahui info aplikasi terbaru Novel, kisah nyata, kisah cinta, romansa, romasntis, kaskus sfth, story from the heart.Assalamualaikum wa wa rohmatullohi barokatuh, With Calling Name of Allah, My soul is in his grasp.My name is Ava. I am 20 years old. I was the third child of 3 brothers. Avan my brother was born five minutes earlier than I did. We're twins. Avan was born as a man, while I was born as a woman.My family's religious background. Abah is a Kyai owner of the boarding school in the suburb Salaf Pasuruan. While she accompanied Abah nurture hundreds of female students, with my sister Zara kak. In order to be more focused direction caring for hundreds of students son together cleric who was once also a student when the early Abah this pesantren stand.In our family, the mole has become a tradition. Avan, my sister had started Ibtida education 'in schools Abah since the age of 4 years. Likewise with me. The difference is I was housed in other schools, namely in a boarding school in the area Salaf Kasembon, Malang. It certainly has a strong reason why I released in his age 4 years. The reason is because I and Avan is a male-female twin brother. According to Javanese tradition, then we should be separated.Original Story BY: Ava Mauza Any contributions, COPYRIGHT and the content contained therein is BELONGS TO THE AUTHOR ABOVE, our team Grewal17 just publish again without changing the contents at all with the purpose of your convenience in reading the contents of the novel in HH smartphone, if there are others who feel they have contributed this work please email us, will be revised ownership of this work.Note: Turn on cellular data or connect to wifi to load images and emoticons moveClick on fanspage like us to know the latest application info Novel, true story, a story of love, romance, romasntis, kaskus sfth, story from the heart.
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