A concise biography of Donald Trump in English, German & Arabic (العربية) languages
A concise biography of Donald Trump in English, German & Arabic (العربية) languages.Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, politician, television personality, author, and the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for President of the United States in the 2016 election. He is chairman of The Trump Organization, which is the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests.The contents of the app include these following topics :1
Early life2 Business career3 Headquarters at Trump Tower4 Finances and commercial ventures4.1 Bankruptcies of four businesses4.2 Beauty pageants4.3 Branding and licensing4.4 Football and boxing4.5 Golf courses4.6 Investments4.7 Net worth4.8 Taxes4.9 Trump Taj Mahal4.10 Trump University5 Entertainment media5.1 The Apprentice5.2 Filmography5.3 Trump Model Management5.4 World Wrestling Entertainment6 Politics6.1 Political affiliations6.2 Presidential leanings, 1988–20116.3 Between presidential announcements, 2011–156.4 Presidential campaign, 20166.5 Political positions7 Personal life7.1 Family7.2 Religious views7.3 Other personal information8 Appearances in popular culture8.1 Prior to 20158.2 During and after 20159 Further legal matters9.1 Trump as plaintiff or defendant9.2 Allegations of business links to organized crime9.3 Campaign contributions10 Awards and honors11 Books authored
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