SkinVision is a paid service that provides 24/7 access to our clinically proven, online skin cancer risk assessment, conducted by our algorithms and dermatologists. You will receive an immediate risk indication for signs of skin cancer. If our dermatologists find anything out of the ordinary, they will follow up with you within 48 hours. Your first skin check is free of charge to allow you to experience the value and convenience of the technology first hand.SkinVision has assessed more than 3.00
0.000 skin pictures and detected more than 1100 cancerous skin lesions (melanoma, BCC and SCC) so far. SkinVision is partners with leading skin cancer clinics and research universities in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the US.WHY SKINVISION?Melanoma and other skin cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect. SkinVision’s unique camera algorithm can indicate skin cancer risk based on photos you take with the app. You can save the photos in your personal archive to track over time or share them with your doctor. SkinVision enables you to stay on top of your skin health with your smartphone or tablet. Use SkinVision today to help detect skin cancer risk for yourself and your loved ones.BENEFITS OF SKINVISION• Early detection saves lives, and brings down healthcare costs by starting treatment early• Easily monitor your skin health• Low, medium or high skin cancer risk assessment• Get an expert’s review• Create a personal skin health program• Contribute to skin cancer preventionFREE FEATURES• Skin type analysis and risk profile• Personalised skin advice• Store manual pictures of your moles• Unlimited personal archive to check skin health over time• Local UV forecast with related skin advice• 1 skin check for new users to try SkinVisionPAID FEATURES• Instant risk assessment of your mole (1 credit)• Expert Review (mole reviewed by dermatologist) (4 credits) (Expert Review is free of charge for high risk assessments).The SkinVision ProgramSave money on deductible excess. No more time and money wasted on driving to and waiting at the doctor's, unless it is actually necessary.For USD $22.99, EUR €24.99 you will receive 1 year of unlimited risk assessments for signs of irregular patterns. Every assessment that gets a high risk outcome, will be reviewed by our team of experts as part of the service if you give permission.CONNECT WITH SKINVISIONFacebook - - - any questions or feedback? We love hearing from you. Send a message to helps detect irregular patterns which occur in most common forms of skin cancer.Our results are not diagnoses and should not be treated as such.Our medical experts will not diagnose you, therefore if at any moment you feel uncomfortable about your skin lesion, we advice you to visit a doctor.
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