Our modern lifestyles are filled with an abundance of products engineered to get you hooked using dopamine fuelled habits.Fortunately you already have everything you need to reclaim your freedom if prepared to stop relying on external fixes and start dismantling these habits from the inside out.HABITat is there for you 24/7, ensuring the choices you make are consistent with your goal. HABITat knows everything there is to know about change - delivering practical wisdom, in the exact moment you ne
ed it, wherever you are. Smarter, not harder.Change needn’t be hard. In fact you already have everything you need to achieve your goals if you simply make the right decisions in the moments that matter. These critical moments make up just 1% of total effort and are when you make choices while challenged by thoughts and feelings like cravings or fear. They matter because when it comes to change, action is everything, so what you actually do matters more than what you say, think or feel. HABITat is grounded in ScienceHABITat uses AI (artificial intelligence) to deliver a change system that combines proven science with ancient wisdom to literally change what you do by changing the way you think. HABITat utilises Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), neurosciences understanding of our brains neuroplasticity, mindfulness and Stoic wisdom to create a system that proactively guides you to success while avoiding the Happiness trap and Willpower trap. And because your AI Assistant lives in the cloud, it keeps getting smarter. Action is everything.Achieving any goal is dependent on a daily commitment to consistency. HABITat reinforces this through tracking progress, building streaks and using notifications to keep you motivated. But overcoming your natural resistance to change requires more than willpower, it requires a reframing of the beliefs that hold you back. Through daily chats with your AI Assistant you will change your perspective about the limiting beliefs specific to your goal. Real-time craving interventions when combined with a new perspective have the power to spontaneously stop cravings and uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that cause bad choices.Once you "know" (deep down) that changing is not a sacrifice, the resistance is gone and you're free to get on with achieving your potential.Nature intended adversity to make us stronger, not weaker.Misguided attempts to "fix" ourselves has left us more fragile to the demands of modern life.This is why most diets eventually fail, most gym memberships lapse, why obesity, alcoholism & drug abuse are increasing and why most New Year's resolutions don't make it beyond two weeks.HABITat makes you anti-fragile by ensuring you consistently make rational choices when challenged by fear & cravings rather than trying to avoid or resist them - much like your immune system strengthens after repeated exposure to germs.By domesticating uncomfortable thoughts and feelings you’re making rational decisions in spite of cravings, rather than reverting to expedient decisions because of cravings - all without reverting to willpower.Just as nature intended.One buddy for any goal; Weight loss buddy, Drinking buddy, Smoking buddy, Gym…Signing-up for HABITat lets you immediately harness the ancient power of habits while enjoying a free trial of the AI Assistant. Keep using HABITat after the trial however your buddy will be waiting for you in the habot: ai habit buddy App. Alternatively skip the trial and purchase habot now for about same price as a cup of coffee to start breaking bad today.
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