This free App covers most important topics in simple English and diagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations. The best app for school, college and work. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. This useful App lists 144 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical as well as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes written in very simple and understandable Englis
h. Consider this App as a quick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App will help in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Some of the topics Covered in the app are: 1. INTRODUCTION2. BASIC MEASUREMENTS3. CONTROL NETWORKS4. LOCATING POSITION5. PLOTTING DETAIL6. Computer-aided design (CAD)7. Error and uncertainty8. SIGNIFICANT FIGURES9. ERRORS IN MEASUREMENT10. Probability11. INDICES OF PRECISION12. COMBINATION OF ERRORS13. Uncertainty of addition or subtraction14. LEVELLING15. CURVATURE AND REFRACTION16. EQUIPMENT17. INSTRUMENT ADJUSTMENT18. Automatic level19. PRINCIPLE OF LEVELLING20. SOURCES OF ERROR21. LEVELLING APPLICATIONS22. Direct and Indirect contouring23. RECIPROCAL LEVELLING24. PRECISE LEVELLING25. Parallel plate micrometer26. Field procedure27. Booking and computing28. DIGITAL LEVELLING29. Factors affecting the measuring procedure30. TRIGONOMETRICAL LEVELLING31. Contouring32. HEIGHTING WITH GPS33. TAPES34. FIELD WORK35. Measuring in catenary36. DISTANCE ADJUSTMENT37. Sag38. ERRORS IN TAPING39. Tension, Sag and Slope40. ELECTROMAGNETIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT (EDM)41. INSTRUMENT ADJUSTMENT42. FIELD PROCEDURE43. Setting up using the optical plumb-bob44. MEASURING ANGLES45. Measurement by directions46. SOURCES OF ERROR47. PLANE RECTANGULAR COORDINATES48. TRAVERSING49. Reconnaissance50. Sources of error51. Traverse computation52. TRIANGULATION53. Resection and intersection54. Resection55. NETWORKS56. PRINCIPLE OF LEAST SQUARES57. LINEARIZATION58. NETWORKS59. PRINCIPLE OF LEAST SQUARES60. LEAST SQUARES APPLIED TO SURVEYING61. LINEARIZATION62. PARAMETER VECTOR63. DESIGN MATRIX AND OBSERVATIONS VECTOR64. Plan network65. Distance equation66. Direction & Angle equation67. WEIGHT MATRIX68. ERROR ANALYSIS69. VARIANCE-COVARIANCE MATRIX OF THE PARAMETERS70. ERROR ELLIPSES71. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and error ellipses72. BLUNDER DETECTION73. RELIABILITY OF THE OBSERVATIONS74. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS75. ESTIMATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS76. REFERENCE ELLIPSOID77. The geoid78. The ellipsoid79. COORDINATE SYSTEMS80. Geodetic coordinates81. Cartesian coordinates82. Plane rectangular coordinates83. Height84. LOCAL SYSTEMS85. Deviation of the vertical86. COMPUTATION ON THE ELLIPSOID87. DATUM TRANSFORMATIONS88. ORTHOMORPHIC PROJECTION89. ORDNANCE SURVEY NATIONAL GRID90. (t - T) correction91. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS92. Introduction of Satellite positioning93. GPS SEGMENTS94. GPS95. SATELLITE ORBITS96. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF POSITION FIXING97. DIFFERENCING DATA98. GPS OBSERVING METHODS99. Kinematic positioningSurveying is part of Civil engineering education in various colleges and univeristies globally.
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