Our objective is to make studying A-Level Pure Mathematics simple, realistic and practical.So we've created an app for every chapter. This app is for Chapter 3; mainly about calculus and is referred to as INTEGRATION.Check out our other publications:1. Pure Math Differentiation-1 book app: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.puremath.differentiation1.2. Pure Math Differentiation-1 Tutorial app with video, audio and captions: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.puremath.
differentiation1tutor. More apps for the corresponding chapters will be available soon.Featured chapters:1. Differentiation 12. Differentiation 23. Integration 4. Further differentiation5. Algebra 16. Binomial theorem7. Algebra 28. Series9. Trigonometry 110. Trigonometry 211. Further Integration 112. Exponential and Log functions13. Partial fractions14. Further Integration 215. Coordinate geometry 116. Curve sketching17. Coordinate geometry 218. Differential equations 19. Complex numbers20. Vectors in 3-dimensions
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