Gfx Tool App BattleGrounds is able to change the Graphic settings in the most comprehensive way.Some of these features are: BAGT Change resolution Unlock HDR graphics on low end devices Unlock the extreme FPS levels Change graphics style settings Enable or disable shadow Enable or disable Anti-aliasing or make it even better by X2, X4 Enable or disable GPU optimization* How To Use GfX Tool :- First Open GfX Tool Application- Select Your Graphic And Resulations Options- If you want to save That S
etting you can save it- Click on Apply And That's itEnjoyable smooth games :)If you have questions attached to your mind, you can comment.NOTE+ if we are in breach of copyright, please let us know and it will be removed as soon as possible. For that contact us through Email :• This app is developed for specific game and we are not affiliated with Tencent
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