ParkourGuru is the ultimate Parkour app with comprehensive freerunning lessons and tutorials covering all major Parkour vaults and tricks. Tick the the tricks and vaults you've learned on the Parkour Vault List and Trick Lists - your own personal note of what you've achieved. ParkourGuru also includes full 'learn parkour' videos for beginners as well as a 'get started' in Parkour section with common beginner skills you need to learn. The app also includes the best Parkour video edits as well as
a Parkour Training section with tips for building strength to freerun better. We're adding new lessons regularly but, right now, ParkourGuru has Parkour tutorials covering:Parkour Tricks360 DIVEROLLAERIAL TWISTARABIAN BACKFLIPBACKFLIP 360BUTTERFLY TWISTCARTWHEELCHEAT GAINERCORKFRONTFLIPFRONTFLIP 180FRONTFLIP 360KICK THE MOONLACHEPALM SPINREVERSE PALM SPINSIDEFLIPSWIPETUNNEL FLIPWALLFLIPWALLRUN HORIZONTALWALLRUN VERTICALWALLSPINWEBSTER FRONTFLIPWEBSTER SIDEFLIPVaultsDASH VAULTDIVE KONGDOUBLE KONGKASH VAULTKONG FRONTFLIPKONG GAINERKONG VAULTLAZY VAULTPOP VAULTREVERSE VAULTSPEED VAULTTHIEF VAULTTURN VAULTParkour BasicsCAT LEAPCLIMB UPHANDSTANDLACHEPRECISION JUMPSAFETY ROLLUNDERBARThere's also a full tutorials section which features lessons and tutorials for getting started in Parkour / Freerunning as well as a Parkour Training section with guides for improving strength and fitness needed for freerunning.The Parkour edit section features all the best Freerun and Parkour videos from around the world, performed by your favourite freerunning athletes.Whether you're just starting out in Parkour or want to improve your freerunning skills / learn new Parkour vaults and tricks, download ParkourGuru today - the ultimate Parkour / freerun app for Android.
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