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Репка – классическая народная сказка, известная с самого раннего детства! Озорной сюжет сказки представлен в формате современной интерактивной книги, каждая страница которой включает не только текст и красочные иллюстрации, но и озвучку, а также анимированные интерактивные элементы.Дополнительно на каждой странице сказки доступно несколько мини-игр четырех жанров:- Найди одинаковые картинки- Найди 5 отличий- Собери картинку (пазл)- Собери изображение по элементамПриложение-сказка «Репка» понравится малышам, младшим школьникам и их родителям. Читайте, слушайте и играйте в интерактивные сказки от Dereza Books в любом месте и в любом возрасте!Turnip - a classic folk tale, known from early childhood! Naughty plot of the fairy tale is presented in the format of a modern interactive book, each page of which includes not only text and colorful illustrations, but also voice acting, as well as animated interactive elements.Additionally, on each page of the fairy tale there are several mini-games of four genres:- Find the same pictures- Find 5 differences- Gather the picture (puzzle)- Collect image by elementThe app-fairy tale "Turnip" will appeal to kids, junior schoolchildren and their parents. Read, listen and play interactive tales from Dereza Books anywhere and at any age!

Wish List (Virutal Piggy Bank)

Get your dream adding money into your own virtual piggy bank. Wishlist is a virtual piggy bank in which you create a simple way your desire, you just have to add to the list, you can attach images, a description of the dream that you want to achieve and even a link where you found it. Create your wishes quickly and watches as every little bit saved brings you closer to your goal.Remember to use the application every time you deposite money in your physical piggy bank or in the bank, so always keep the list up to date and watch the percentage goes up on the main screen, inching your dream. It also has a registry where you can see the contributions and cash withdrawals you've made.The little kids can use it too, so they learn how much to get their desired toys or games easily.Do not think more, if you get your wish download this application.Available in Spanish, English, German, French and Portuguese.If you find a mistake in the translation, we want to hear from indicases to correct it,If you have any problems with the application or want to make a suggestion, send an email to


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