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The programme is specially made for circuit design engineers. The programme helps you to define what device it is according to SMD-marking. It shows brief characteristics of the device, browses or searches its datasheet in the various search engines.

Logic and Wit

The best application for developing logic skills and reasoning. Contains a lot of brain riddles, questions and puzzles for thinking, varying in difficulty levels. Improve your mentality with several hundreds of riddles divided into logic groups that contain matchstick, detective, logic, funny, mystery, picture riddles and a lot more. Special  category for interview questions, where we collect riddles used for interviewing in such companies like Google,  Microsoft, Amazon and others. Application is constantly updating.Check your intellectual abilities! Solve puzzles, enjoy your time! - No in-app purchase - Does NOT require Internet connection


Noizer - open source noise management.Noizer allows you to mix multiple sound channels, each with separate volume. Use the volume rocker to change the overall noise level.You can send your suggestions in the comments or via the feedback form in the app.Available sounds:- White noise- Brown noise- Cat purr- Intrauterine sounds- Wind- Storm- Rain- Fireplace- Birds in the park- A train- Noisy street- Bar- Wave- Leaves in the wind---If you need new sounds or functionality, please contact via the feedback form in the app, we will try to realize your wishes.

Timber Volume Calculator

It is a programme for:- calculating the cubature of a log according to State Standard(Russian GOST) 2708-75, ISO 4480-83, a log of cylindrical form;- calculating the cubature of a plank, the amount of planks per cube;- calculating the average weight of wood volume for main wood sorts;- two themes: light and dark.There is a possibility to sum up the results, to cancel the last operation and to copy any calculation into clipboard in any regime. You can calculate the weight along with the calculating of logs and planks that helps to estimate carrying capacity of a car.

Даня Кашин SoundBoard

Всеми любимый DK Inc, Даниссимо Кувшин, и просто Даня Кашин в твоем телефоне! Комбинируй его фразы между собой, слушай треки и совмещай их!Расскажи всем своим друзьям и оставляй отзывы!Everyone's favorite DK Inc, Danissimo jug, and just Danya Kashin in your phone! Combine his phrases with each other, listen to the tracks and combine them!Tell all your friends and leave comments!

My Notebook

Dear users! I am glad to present you a new version of the notebook! 📒 The application is actively developing and I try to listen To your wishes, so do not hesitate - write to e-mail, what would you like to see in the next updates!I tried to makeNotepad simple but functional . Currently, it has such functions as: - create notes lists and folders . Organize your entries into folders, keep a to-do list, sort alphabetically, change date, or 🗒; - widget for the desktop. Attach the most important thing in a prominent place, highlight widgets in different colors; - attach photos to notes; - ability to set reminders; - synchronization. You have access to a server to synchronize notes, with which you can restore your information to another device; - search in notes by keywords; - application themes; - change font size; - export notes to text files. Try free Notepad without ads, it will help you organize your thoughts and deeds and try to become an assistant for every day😻

Plane Storm

Dynamic scrolling arcade shooter will not give you peace, and seconds!Incredible glow!Hordes of enemies, both in the air and in the sea!No concessions!New enemies and super bosses in each level!Air combat!Get to the main villain, save the world from his troops!----Disable shaders in settings on low end device, if you has performance issue.----Tags: Air, Sky, Plane, Storm, Force, Strike, Arcade, Plane Storm.

Cats Evolution Human Love

What is waiting for cats in the future? It only depends on you.Make them evolve and watch for amazing, strange kittens.Little by little you can send your kittens to mars!How to play?- Connect the two kittens and get a new creationWhat is special about the game?- several planets with different fauna- more than 30 different cats- cat gods- several possible finalsWatch the evolution process in all its details!

Тест на реальность

Reality checks are used in almost every lucid dreaming technique. As such, they are the first skill most lucid dreamers learn and the tool they rely on most throughout their dreaming career.A reality check is a simple thought-process or action that is consistently practiced (during waking life) to evaluate whether you are dreaming or not. This may sound silly, but the more you practice, the more likely you will be to do it in your dreams. Habitual actions and thoughts recur more frequently in the dream world, just like in normal life, which is why training yourself to practice your reality checks often will translate into more lucid dreams.

Мугаллим Сани (Оригинал).

Репринтная версия Первого издания знаменитого учебника "Мөгаллим Сәни" ("Второй учитель") известного татарского ученого и просветителя Ахмадхади Максуди (1868 - 1941г.). Учебник-оригинал на основе Казанского издания Корана 1832 года.Данный учебник рассчитан для занятий с преподавателем.Укучыларга тәкъдим ителә торган олы галим һәм педагог Әхмәтһади Максудиның "Мөгаллим сәни" исемле китабы, беренче тапкыр 1892 елда нәшер ителеп, татар мөселманнары арасында киң таралыш тапкан. Үзенең гади төзелеше һәм шул ук вакытта югары дәрәҗәдәге методикасы белән ул бүгенге көнгә кадәр дөньякүләм аналогы булмаган бер популяр дәреслек булып санала. Соңгы елларда "Мөгаллим сәни"не Коръәни Кәримнең Казан басмасы гарәп шрифтына туры килмәгән башка төрле шрифтлар белән чыгарылуы, оригиналында булмаган өстәмәләр кертелүе, текстта булган кайбер сүзләрне, фразаларны төшереп калдыру күренешләре күзәтелә. Шуңа күрә "Мөгаллим сәни" китабының әлеге нөсхәсе, 1892 елда басылып чыккан оригиналына тәңгәл китерелеп, яңартылып чыгарыла. Бу дәреслектәге гарәп шрифты 1832 елда Казан шәһәрендә басылган Коръән китабындагы шрифтка таянып эшләнелгән. "Мөгаллим сәни" исемле уку әсбабы тиз арада Коръән укырга өйрәнергә теләгән төрле яшьтәге кешеләр өчен тәкъдим ителә.Reprint version of the first edition of the famous textbook "Mөgallim Sәni" ( "Second Teacher"), the famous Tatar scholar and educator Ahmadhadi Maksudi (1868 - 1941.).Textbook-original on the basis of the Kazan 1832 edition of the Koran.This textbook is designed for lessons with a teacher.Ukuchylarga tәkdim itelә Torgan ols Galim һәm teacher Әhmәtһadi Maksudinyң "Mөgallim sәni" isemle kitaby, berenche tapkyr 1892 elda nәsher itelep, Tatars mөselmannary arasynda kiң taralysh tapkan. Үzeneң Gadi tөzeleshe һәm Shul uk vakytta Ügary dәrәҗәdәge metodikasy belәn Street bүgenge kөngә kadәr dөnyakүlәm analogy bulmagan edges El Popular dәreslek bulyp dignity. Soңgy ellarda "Mөgallim sәni" not Korәni Kәrimneң Kazan basmasy garәp shriftyna tours kilmәgәn chump tөrle shriftlar belәn chygaryluy, originalynda bulmagan өstәmәlәr kertelүe, tekstta Bulgan kayber sүzlәrne, frazalarny tөsherep kaldyru kүreneshlәre kүzәtelә. Shuңa kүrә "Mөgallim sәni" kitabynyң әlege nөskhәse 1892 elda basylyp chykkan originalyna tәңgәl kiterelep, yaңartylyp chygaryla. Boo dәreslektәge garәp fonts 1832 elda Kazan shәһәrendә basylgan Korәn kitabyndagy shriftka tayanyp eshlәnelgәn. "Mөgallim sәni" isemle UCF әsbaby Teese Arad Korәn ukyrga өyrәnergә telәgәn tөrle yashtәge keshelәr өchen tәkdim itelә.

Good alarm clock without ads with music and widget

A simple alarm clock, in which I tried to combine ease of use, flexibility of settings and nice design. It turned out or not, to judge you, dear users! No frills, the program is easy and clear. But at the same time, the alarm clock includes the necessary functions, such as: ⏰ setting your own melody. Select a ringtone from the existing ones or specify any of your own; ⏰ Create multiple alarms. Create different alarms for different events. Melody, signal increase, vibration, everything is set individually for each signal. ⏰ select the days for the alarm; ⏰ the ability to defer a signal for a specified time by one click; ⏰ postponing the signal with the "volume up" button; ⏰ you can turn on the pre-alarm, which for the time you want before the main alarm clock will push you out of sleep, after which you will get up without stress under the main signal; ⏰ notes to signals. Add descriptions for the convenience of working with several alarms; ⏰ extreme settings to turn off silent mode and set the maximum volume of the signal. ⏰ Widget! Turn on / off the alarm clock directly from the widget! Important note! If suddenly your alarm does not work or is triggered, but not on time, it means that you missed the Welcome screen and did not follow my advice on whitelisting for battery optimization modes on Android 6 and above. Drop the settings of the application or reinstall it, carefully read what I wrote in the welcome message and perform the necessary manipulations. There's nothing to be done, Android is struggling to survive the battery. If there are any problems after these steps, then your case is individual, write to me at, we will understand. You can download a free alarm clock without ads and it will be an excellent assistant for you every day! Pleasant awakening!Typical questions:"Is the alarm free?" There is no advertising in it? What's the catch?There's no catch. I just enjoy programming, this is my hobby, my fetish, why not share your crafts with other people.- I did not have an alarm.Did you perform the necessary manipulations from the recommendations on the start screen? If so, then write me somewhere, we'll sort it out together.- Alarm clock will work on the phone off?Unfortunately no. The phone must be switched on. The alarm clock works on top of the system. The system is turned off - the program is not running. - What's in the Deluxe version? How is she better than this?There are no fundamental differences. You can buy it if you want to thank me with a mug of coffee. All themes and options are available in it.

Холодильник v.2

The "Refrigerator" application is designed to control the shelf life of products in your refrigerator.If you don’t have time to control the state of your refrigerator or you forget what's in it and when it will be spoil then this application for you.All you have to do is to keep the name of the product and its expiration date.The main activity will focus your attention on the critical products whose expiration date has already expired or will expire soon.Advanced technologies will make the addition of the product as quick and convenient as possible:1. No time to start the application? Just tell the application which product to save.2. Tired of entering data manually? Just scan the barcode of the product.3. Tired of advanced technology? Enter the data by using the standard keyboard.If you have any problems you can open section Help or leave a comment for us. We will definitely solve the problem.

Ancient Empires

The game takes place in a fantasy medieval kingdom of Thorin ruled by the benevolent King Galamar. The game begins with Galamar barely escaping a bloody coup by his younger brother Valadorn, who has taken control of the kingdom and declared a hunt on his brother.

Ancient Empire: Strike Back

The fantastic thrilling turn-based strategy sequel, Ancient Empire II, Strike back. Based in the fantasy realm of Thorin, you control two royal brothers: King Galamar and Valadorn, as they seek to save their kingdom from an evil shadow demon. What this translates into is eight levels of Advance Wars-style tactical battle, pitting your modest range of units (soldiers, archers, catapults, dire wolves) against the enemy's vast forces.Features:- Improved AI.- There's a skirmish mode where you can get together with a mate and take a series of quick hit battles. - Map editor is available. Create your own maps for more pleasure from the game.Please, rate the game. Your opinion is very important for us to improve Ancient Empire: Strike Back.


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