(Requires Root)User Agent switcher for Google Chrome allows you to change to the way your Chrome Browser is viewed on the internet.Essentially masquerading Chrome as a compatible browser allowing you to view or visit websites that prevent or allow usage based on Operating system or browser type.Known Issue: Upgrades to 1.1.0+ may need to uninstall and reinstall the app.App is full featured. no additional installs required for any feature. Features: - 11 Supplied User Agent options - NEW Custom
izable widgets for quick useragent changes - alternate sort orders - icons for the most popular devices - NEW Light and Dark Theme selection - option to launch Chrome on selection - Supports : - Chrome - Chrome beta - Chrome Dev - edit and customize each user agent string - delete user agents you do not want - add new user agents strings - LONG PRESS ON AGENT TO EDIT- Chrome User Agent is in no way affiliated with Google Inc. or the Chrome Browser.
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