For Forex traders - shows a graph of Absolute Currency Strength (Please read to understand the concepts).Note: the graph looks much better in the ad-free version.Set a period (eg M1, M15, D1 etc), a sample (steps of 10), and threshold in %. Get an alert when a currency moves above the threshold for the period and sample you selected.Same thing when a currency becomes weak, and moves below the threshold. For example:Click on 'Alarm Clock' ic
on, click the plus sign, see a dialog to add an alert.Set an alert for M1/50/0.2 - that is for 50 samples on the 1-minute chart, at a threshold of 0.2. Provided the markets are open, you should get an alert very quickly, meaning a currency has moved more than 0.2% in the last 50 minutes.Second Example:You set an alert for M5/50/2.0. This means you want an alert when a currency increases OR decreases by 2% on the 5-minute chart, relative to a point 50 5-minute periods before (that is 250 minutes).So, if USD has increased by 3.5%, and NZD has decreased by 2.1%, you get an alert saying "USD/NZD".Another example:You set an alert for H1/30/5.0 - 30 samples on the 1-hour chart, and a threshold of 5% (You need a bigger threshold for longer periods) Say CAD has decreased 6%, but no currency has increased more than 5% (the threshold you set) - you get an alert saying "-/CAD", meaning no rising currency, CAD is falling. You get alerts at the end of each period - that is, H1 alerts come at the start of each hour, M30 each half hour etc.Please leave a comment if you do not understand anything, I will try and help.Alerts are handled through Google Cloud Messaging, not by polling - so an M1 alert will not be battery heavy, as it is not checking every 1 minute - the server does that. Disclaimer:Forex trading is risky, and this is just a tool to help you pick entry points as part of an overall trading strategy. I make no promises that you will become rich through using it, and no liability is accepted for any financial damage incurred.
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