CHUCHEL is a comedy adventure game from the creators of Machinarium, Botanicula and Samorost. Join the hairy hero Chuchel and his rival Kekel in their quest to retrieve the precious cherry and face numerous puzzles and challenges!The reward? Cheerful situational humor, wild music and sounds by the band DVA and dozens of hilarious gags that warm up even the coldest of souls. Plus cherries!What the press said:"Comedy gold." - Destructoid"A giant cuddle of a game.” - RockPaperShotgun"Silly in the b
est possible way.” - The VergeAwards:Independent Games Festival 2018 - Excellence in Visual ArtAnifilm 2018 - Best Game for ChildrenCEEGA 2018 - Best Visual ArtBIG Festival 2018 - Best Art
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