LAW OF ATTRACTION THE SECRET :The law of attraction states that the world is full of vibrations. Vibrations also called as Vibes can be negative or positive. Positive vibes create positive energy around you and negative vibes create negative energy around you. So by using law of attraction you can create a positive energy around you. You are aware about the saying 'What goes, comes back'. As these world is full of energy vibrating positive energy in universe will return positive energy to you. N
oting these fact we can achieve anything in life, all you have to do is radiate positive energy in universe by wishing what you need in life. To achieve these you have to follow some steps. It is mandatory for you to follow these steps everyday so that you can harness Universe's energy to achieve your DreamsLAW OF ATTRACTION APP EXERCISES:LAW OF ATTRACTION The Secret based on the law of attraction book, the secret book1.) RELAX YOUR MIND ( LAW OF ATTRACTION SECRET ) It is very important to relax your mind before you start the law of attraction exercise. Being relaxed helps you to be more attentive and focus on whatever wish your desire to manifest. To relax your mind close your eyes and try to focus on your breathing, try to divert all the unnecessary thoughts from your mind.2.) MAKE A WISH ( LAW OF ATTRACTION SECRET ) After relaxing your mind the next step is to wish whatever things you want in your life example - a car, a house, a perfect relation or a healthy life. There is no bound to your wishes, you can wish whatever you want and the universe will serve it to you.3.) VISUALIZE AND FEEL IT ( LAW OF ATTRACTION SECRET ) Another important step is visualization. Once you had a note of your a wish, its time to visualize and feel that wish. Imagine you need you wish to have a House. So visualize how your dream house would be, visualize its interior, color of the walls, your sofa set, television set etc along with Visualization feel as if you really have it now. Practice it everyday and soon you will manifest your wish.4.) BE THANKFUL You should be thankful for whatever you have in life. Don't crib about the things that you don't have in life instead be thankful and be happy about your life. Doing this will create a happy and positive environment around you and will release positive vibes which indeed will serve your wish from universe faster.5.) TRUST THE UNIVERSE Well everything comes down to trust, if you trust the Law you the universe will fulfill all your desires. The pace of universe is slow so patience and consistency is the key. As said a seed wont turn into a tree instantly, it requires patience and consistency in terms of water ,oxygen and sunlight. So same lie with the law , practice it daily but don't give up, everday you practice the app you come one step closer to your dreams.HOW TO USE THIS APP:1.) TRACK PROGRESS You can view your log of exercise that you have done on a particular date. This helps you to have a track of your manifestation. It also provides the time taken by you to complete the exercise.By default the it shows the latest exercise log.2.) SET TIME Our app has some key points in the exercise activity which you can use when you start practicing the law everyday morever you have the option to set exercise duration so as you can customize your own time for the exercise like if you want your exercise to be for 50 seconds. Navigate up to the settings tab on Home Screen and click on settings-> set workout time and provide any time (n seconds) and press the button to set the value. 3.) SET REMINDER You can set a reminder to carry on your exercise daily at a particular time. All you have to do is to navigate to the app Home Screen and click on settings icon and then set reminder. Customize your time and get a reminder on daily intervals for you to practice the law on daily basis.
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