Bass Booster Bluetooth Speaker
you will hear the sound quality most super as is the first global equalizer which significantly improves the sound effects and make your Android device bass enhancement and 3D virtual surround sound quality. Android devices make you sound better than ever.Bass Booster for Bluetooth Speaker consists of a slider block enhancers volume, bass enhancement,bass boosted, virtual 3D surround sound, 5-band equalizer, etc. Features-sound system effect-Music volume level control-Bass boost-Virtualizer-Run in the background-Notification function-accoustic equalizer effectBaru:-Peningkat bass atau meningkatkan bass untuk android-aplikasi untuk meningkatkan bass pada androidtranslate :- باس محسن- مضخم الترددات المنخفضة- تطبيقات تعزيز باس- applicazioni di basso di miglioramento- 低音増強アプリケーション- 베이스 향상 프로그램- ಬಾಸ್ ವೃದ್ಧಿಸುವ ಅನ್ವಯಗಳನ್ನು- Bass steigernde Anwendungen- bas arttırıcı uygulamaları- Bas verbetering aansoeke- bas-rritjen aplikacionetmore:- bass booster equalizer for headphones- Bass Booster for Bluetooth Speaker- accoustic equalizer for android- volume settings for android apps- equalizer sound booster for android- bass booster equalizer high quality