Transform your android smart phone into a heart rate monitor. Heart Beat Monitor uses an advanced image processing algorithm to measure blood flow on your finger tips. Heart beat pattern is visualized by "Blood Rings" that contract and expand per heart beat shown on camera preview. The heart beat characteristics, period and regularity are plotted as Cardiograph, as well as HBPM (Heart Beat Per Minute), all are at real time. Key Features:- Real time visualization of blood flow pattern through fin
ger tips.- Real time generation of cardiograph with time stamp and result.- Real time report Heart Beat Per Minute.- Cardiograph and heart beat result can be saved as photo for self health tracking.How to use:- Relax, place and hold your finger to back flashlight and camera lens lightly. - Click the Heart on screen and wait for a few seconds. - You will observe blood flow pattern and cardiograph at real time.- Measurement will be automatically done in 15 seconds.- Select "save" button to save cardiograph to a photo.- Select "fold" button to review a cardiograph.
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