Find and book the best restaurants from all the great places selected by MICHELIN guide inspectors from all over Europe. From small gourmet bistros to starred restaurants, there’s something to suit all tastes and budgets.OFFLINE ModeEven if you’re abroad with no connection, you can use the app to search for restaurants and view all relevant information. Discover the restaurant selections from the following MICHELIN guides 2019: France and Monaco, Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Lux
embourg, Spain and Portugal, and “Main Cities of Europe” (Athens, Budapest, Prague, Warsaw, Krakow…).Search for a restaurant to suit your needs and criteria: • Nearby (by activating your geolocation) • by town, by address• by MICHELIN rating (starred restaurants, Bib Gourmand, MICHELIN Plate)• by price• by cuisine type (gourmet, traditional, bistrot, Italian…)• by restaurant nameDisplay your search results on a map or as a list.For each restaurant, you can view MICHELIN guide inspector opinions, photos, prices and other useful information to help you make your choice. You can also view the route to get there and be guided from your current location by the ViaMICHELIN app. Book online free of charge (subject to availability, mainly in France, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Nordic countries) and enjoy exclusive offers: special menus, discounts …
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