With know-how and highest quality, Kufatec is offering automobilecompetence in all areas of the original component retrofit,cable manufacturing as well as hardware and software development.With "Kufatec-link" new standards are now set in regard to the handlingand configuration of our product range with link technology.As a first product with link support, the soundbooster is acomponent of this app.Soundbooster:According to the version of the module there are up to 6 profilesfor selecting, which
can be freely configured.For each profile the following settings can be made:- Profile active/passive- Powerstart (on/off)- Speed translator- Speed-dependent volume- Simulated rough engine running- Simulated load fluctuations- Speed-dependent volume control. Accelerator-dependent volume controlThe characteristic diagrams can be freely configured - as beforeby the Windows/MAC application.Additional options are the vehicle selection, driveselect mapper(if supported by the vehicle) as well as the external sound module(unless recognized automatically).Naturally, the module now also can be updated by the app.Besides an easy profile selection in the main display, now also avirtual combination instrument is available. On this some vehicledata for diagnosing are displayed.Should you have any suggestions or even discover errors, so pleasesend us a corresponding e-mail to appsupport@kufatec.de
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