This app will give you real applications in the use of Entity Framework Core.You will see the full source code of the demo. You will see how to use:1.Get Entities List from Database in Lambda Expressions2. Use Equal Operator in Lambda Expressions3. Use Less Than Operator in Lambda Expressions4. Use Less Than or Equal Operator in Lambda Expressions5. Use Greater Than Operator in Lambda Expressions6. Use Greater Than or Equal Operator in Lambda Expressions7. And Clause in Lambda Expressions8. Or C
lause in Lambda Expressions9. Between Clause in Lambda Expressions10. Like Clause in Lambda Expressions11. Sort in Lambda Expressions12. Limit in Lambda Expressions13. Find Entity by Primary Key in Lambda Expressions14. Projection in Lambda Expressions15. Sum in Lambda Expressions16. Count in Lambda Expressions17. Min and Max in Lambda Expressions18. Avg in Lambda Expressions19. DateTime in Lambda Expressions20. Join in Lambda Expressions21. Group By in Lambda Expressions22. Having in Lambda Expressions23. Insert Entity in RUD Operations24. Update Entity in RUD Operations25. Delete Entity in RUD OperationsYou also see the results after the demo with the illustrations.You can also copy the code in this app and use it on your project.
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