WARNING: This is a demo app for an opensource library on github!Advanced-Adapters is a suite of adapters designed to additional alternatives to Android's provided adapters. Originally starting as a means to replace the flawed filtering logic for Android's ArrayAdapter; it has now expanded to provided a slew of different adapters backed by various data structures.Some of the advantages to using this suite:- Customizable filtering logic- Active filtering support- Easily obtain internal data for us
e with onSavedInstanceState()- LayoutInflater passed to all view creation methods.Currently, this suite supports three different data structures with a filterable and non-filterable (NF) version. Additionally it supplies one support adapter.ArrayList Backed:- AbsArrayAdapter- NFArrayAdapter- RolodexArrayAdapter- NFRolodexArrayAdapterSparseArray Backed:- SparseAdapter- NFSparseAdapterJSONArray Backed:- JSONAdapter- NFJSONAdapterMisc Supporting Adapter:- PatchedExpandableListAdapter
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