Sunsa Yoga offers exclusive exercises plans for any fitness goal, suitable for every schedule with sessions organized by intensity level.Our mission is to help you gain a new, healthy lifelong habit, and to do it comfortably and affordably.Choose a fitness target and start to develop your own Yoga routine, until you become a full Yogi :-)EASE INTO YOGANew to yoga? Here you'll find all the essential postures and basic sequences to begin your yoga journey.You can practice several times a week or e
very day.SLIM DOWN, TONE UPA combination of high intensity aerobic movements along with strength drills, to burn fat while practicing Yoga.FLEXIBILITY & BALANCEThis program designed to help you enhance your range of motion and muscle flexibility.STRONG CORE, HEALTHY SPINEA collection of workouts which will guide you on how to properly strengthen your spine, dissolve tightness and maintain a proper upright postureSTRENGTH STUDIOThe place to redefine your limits by targeting core muscle groups. Build pure strength and become a powerful yogee!CARDIO BOOSTGet your adrenalin pumping and sweat out your stress, while making your muscles strong and fit.5-MIN QUICKIESStraightforward, short and effective sessions to practice whenever your schedule allows.RELAXATION RETREATA calming program for those who seek to reduce stress, enhances self-awareness and promote emotional health.THE WORLD OF YOGAA mix of classes to develop and improve all Yoga aspects with variation for all levels
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