Sig-Gen is designed to create a Statement of Significance for museum objects. Significance is based on four criteria:AESTHETICS eg Form, colour, texture,patinaHISTORY of the objectSCIENTIFIC value of the objectCULTURAL importance of the object.Each criteria is scored on a scale 1 (low) to 5 (high). PROVENANCE(eg where used and by whom) adds value to the object's significance. The free app allows 2 provenances for each object, pro allows unlimited provenance recordsThe app creates a statement ba
sed on the cultural value which is the sum of the criteria, the provenance data and advises on the object's conservation.The resulting cultural value can be used to prioritise actions in maintaining a collection.The resulting statement can be edited if required and emailed to be included in the object's main data file.
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