Send or write in Stylish Text on WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, Allo, Skpye, Kik, Kakao, LINE, WeChat, hike and every other app which supports editing with Blue, Round, Squared, Mirrored, Curved, Slashed, Double Underlined, Dotted Underlined, Small circle underlined, Mono-space, Parenthesized, Cursive, Small Caps, Chinese, 1) 98 beautiful and different text styles2) Quick Style Bubble to use everywhere.3) Quick copy/share/send to any app.4) Block and unbloc
k apps for bubble.5) Various colors accents and themes.NOTE * “This app uses Accessibility services.” to change your text into your favorite style via Stylish Text Bubble when you don't want to open the app.
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