★EXCLUSIVE COPPER ICON PACK★ Exculusive and Fascinating look for android phones Copper palette of colours that makes excopper very unique.(no advertisement, No internet access)★SUPPORTED LAUNCHERS★• Nova Launcher• Apex Launcher• Action Launcher• ADW Launcher• Go Launcher• Holo Launcher• And many others!★FEATURES★• Hand-made HD icons for unique look.• Compatible Wallpapers.• High-definition icons.• Icon mask support.• Quick-launch Apply buttons.• Help section for starters.★PERMISSIONS★ android.pe
rmission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - for icon requestsandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - for icon requestsandroid.permission.SET_WALLPAPER - for setting wallpaperandroid.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS - for setting wallpaperPlease, if you have any issues with the app, send us an email before writing a negative review. pixelsdo@gmail.com
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